Thursday, July 15, 2010

A new blog, a new dress

So it's the first post of this new creative endeavor, Sasha Makes. I decided to start this blog as a way to document my creative projects, and share ideas and inspiration with anyone who wants to listen (read). This is where I will share my most recent projects, and believe me, I always have several going on. It's been on my mind for a while, but after following a few posts from my friend Emma, as she started her new blog, I finally got the motivation I needed to get going. (On a second blog, that is-if you like photography, check out my business blog here.) So, have at it! Let me know if you have any questions/comments in the section for comments below!

This is the first dress I put together completely from scratch, drafted from my own pattern. I have sewn since I was younger, but always from a pattern. This last semester I learned how to draft patterns from body measurements and this is the first garment I've made from that experience. I'm pretty excited to makeover my entire wardrobe now!

-Sasha :)

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